Equipment model: SUNS-890 Test force measurement range: 10~600 kN Temperature range: 4.2 K~1200℃ Test force resolution: ± 1/250000 Test force indication accuracy: 0.5 % Displacement measurement range: ±75 mm Relative error of displacement measurement indication: 0.5 % Test waveform: sine wave/triangle wave/square wave/trapezoid wave Frequency range: 0~50 Hz Dynamic test maximum linear speed: 50 mm/s Effective table height: 920 mm |
Control System:
Control mode: force, displacement, deformation all-digital PID closed-loop control
Frequency range: 0.001~100Hz Test signal measurement resolution: 180000
Data collection frequency: 100KHz
- The main function -
Fracture mechanics test: Fatigue crack growth and metal material plane strain fracture toughness Kic and Jic tests can be performed;
Fatigue test: high-accuracy and repeatable constant amplitude, variable amplitude, low cycle and high cycle fatigue tests can be performed;
Static mechanical test: It can meet the needs of static mechanical testing of various materials and components such as tension, bending, compression, etc.;
Mechanical tests that simulate the actual high temperature and extreme environmental conditions of materials or components;
Various high temperature furnaces, fixtures and extensometers can be configured to meet the requirements of thermomechanical fatigue testing.
- Typical Case -