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Comprehensive physical property test PPMS
Release date: 2022-01-11 Views: 282

PPMS multifunctional physical property measurement system

Product Model  PPMS DynaCool

Manufacturer  Quantum Design Inc.


The main function

Magnetic, thermal, electrical measurements (including but not limited to AC/DC resistivity, magnetoresistance, differential resistance, Hall coefficient, volt-ampere characteristics, critical current, AC susceptibility, hysteresis loop, thermomagnetic curve, specific heat and thermal conductivity, etc.).


Main Specifications

1. Temperature range: 1.9K - 400K continuous temperature change

2. Longitudinal magnet, magnetic field strength: ±14T

3. DC transport option: able to fully automatically measure resistivity (magnetoresistance), Hall coefficient, volt-ampere characteristics and critical current.

    Output current range: 10 nA - 8 mA

    Maximum measurement resistance: 4MΩ

4. Advanced electrical transport options: capable of fully automatic measurement of AC impedance, Hall coefficient, and DC volt-ampere characteristics.

    Voltage output range: ±4.5V (at double gain)

    Current range: 10nA-100mA continuous operation

    Frequency range: DC or AC (0.1Hz-200Hz)

    Resistance measurement range: 10µΩ – 5GΩ

5. Specific heat option

    Measurement accuracy: <5% @2K - 300K (typ. <2%)

    Measurement Sensitivity: 10 nJ/K @ 2 K

    Measurable specific heat size range: 1 μJ/K – 100 mJ/K

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