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Microscan XRD
Release date: 2022-01-11 Views: 279

Rigaku Microscan XRD


Main application

The instrument adopts the most advanced technology at present, the goniometer's angle measurement accuracy and precision have reached the current world advanced level, the light source and detector can work stably for a long time, and the diffraction peak position, peak shape and intensity can be measured accurately and accurately. It can not only conduct powder phase analysis, grain size judgment, crystallinity analysis, and phase content analysis, but also accurately measure and analyze various thin film samples.



· X-ray light source: 9KW copper target light source, focal spot size: ≤0.4 * 8mm

· 2θ scanning range: ≥0°~160°; minimum readable step size: ≤0.0001 Divergence slit 0.01~7mm; receiving slit 0.01~20mm


· Detector:

1. New ultra-high-speed two-dimensional silicon pixel detector (effective area: ≥2900mm 2), direct detection image array detector

2. New ultra-high-speed one-dimensional array detector (effective area: ≥350 mm 2)


· Can carry out sample micro-area Mapping test;

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