Low temperature material
Release date: 2022-01-11 Views: 309

Ultra-low temperature adhesive

Ultra-low temperature adhesives are widely used in aerospace, superconducting systems, low temperature engineering and other important fields facing low temperature working environment.

The team has researched and prepared a series of low-temperature adhesives, breaking the situation of all related materials relying on imports for many years.


HTC series high temperature thermal conductive insulating adhesive

HTC series high temperature thermal conductive insulating adhesive is a two-component high thermal conductive insulating adhesive, which is mainly used in room temperature or low temperature occasions where heat dissipation and heat conduction are required. Such as: sealing of electronic and electrical components and bonding and fixing of electronic components or other devices.



Appearance: black

Working temperature: 4K-373K (-269℃-100℃)

Product advantages: high thermal conductivity, low expansion, high thermal shock resistance, excellent low temperature resistance, electrical insulation

Proportion: A: B (weight ratio) = 100: 7.6

Curing temperature: 8-16 hours@24℃ or 2-3 hours@65℃


EACA series low temperature high strength adhesive

EACA series low temperature high strength adhesive is a two-component adhesive with simple curing process, wide applicable temperature and high low temperature bonding strength. It is suitable for the bonding of stainless steel, copper, aluminum, superconducting materials, glass, ceramics and other materials and components.



Applicable temperature: 4K-323K (-269℃-50℃)

High tensile shear strength: 25MPa@room temperature; 31MPa@4K

Product advantages: good stability, wide application range

Proportion: A:B (weight ratio)=3.2:1

Curing temperature: 6 hours @ 60°C after 2 hours @ 120°C


IR3 series low temperature impregnation resin

IR3 series low temperature impregnating resin is a resin material with the advantages of simple curing process, wide applicable temperature, low viscosity, long pot life, high low temperature strength and good toughness. It is suitable for impregnation of superconducting magnets, fabrication and bonding of low-temperature structural parts and insulating parts, fabrication of low-temperature containers, etc.



Applicable temperature: 4K-323K (-269℃-50℃)

Excellent process performance: low viscosity of 200mPa s@45℃, pot life of more than 12 hours (60℃ to 200mPa s)

High low temperature strength: low temperature tensile strength is greater than 100MPa

Proportion A : B : C (weight ratio)=100 : 122 : 1.2

Cure temperature 5 hours @ 110 ℃ after 16 hours @ 125 ℃


SGA series low temperature strain glue

SGA series low temperature strain adhesive is a two-component strain adhesive with simple curing process, wide applicable temperature and good mechanical properties. It is suitable for the bonding of surface strain gauges of metals, concrete, composite materials and other materials, as well as applications in various occasions at low temperature.



Proportion: A : B (weight ratio) = 4 : 3

Curing temperature: 24-48 hours@25℃ or 4-6 hours@65℃

Applicable temperature: 4 K - 323 K (-269°C - 50°C)

High tensile shear strength: 12.4 MPa@room temperature; 4.5 MPa@77 K

Long pot life: >1 hour @ room temperature

Excellent performance: low temperature resistance, low stress after curing, good creep resistance, electrical insulation


Thermal coating

High emissivity, high thermal conductivity, corrosion-resistant and heat-dissipating films have broad application prospects in fields such as rail transit, aerospace, and new energy that require high-temperature working environments. The team's research includes thin-film materials with various components and preparation processes, which have a remarkable heat dissipation effect and can be adapted to various application scenarios.


S-GrBN series heat dissipation film

S-GrBN series heat dissipation film is a three-component heat dissipation film with high emissivity, high thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance prepared by spraying method. It is mainly used in high temperature environments that require heat dissipation, such as high-power electrical appliances Overheat protection power off.

Appearance: black

Working temperature: 293K-453K (20℃-180℃)

Product advantages: high thermal conductivity, electrical insulation, tensile resistance


F-OGrBN series heat dissipation film

F-OGrBN series heat dissipation film is a four-component heat dissipation film prepared by low-pressure suction filtration deposition. Its thermal conductivity has the characteristics of anisotropy, corrosion resistance, and good insulation performance. , to prevent thermal damage and chemical corrosion.

Appearance: brown

Working temperature: 293K-453K (20℃-180℃)

Product advantages: anisotropic thermal conductivity, electrical insulation, tensile strength



Wei Wang Panyi Lliang
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