Low temperature system
Release date: 2022-01-11 Views: 263


Magnetic resonance radio frequency receiver coil is a device for magnetic resonance imaging system to receive signals from the sample.The chilled RF coil uses cryogenic liquid/gas to cool components in the RF coil to improve signal-to-noise ratio, and the superconducting thin film RF coil introduces superconducting thin film material to improve performance further.Compared to conventional RF coils, the chilled RF coil/superconducting thin film RF coil can significantly improve the SNR of the coil, allowing analysis of cortical changes and evaluation of overall atrophy patterns.


Physical properties measurement system is an integrated system for measuring electrical, thermal, magnetic and other basic physical properties of samples under the high magnetic field environment realized by liquid helium temperature region and superconducting magnet. The technology of liquid-free helium cryogenic system and hybrid high-field superconducting magnet will be developed to break through the comprehensive integration technology of cryogenic system, magnet and measurement system.


Zhichun Fang
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