学 历:博士研究生 出生年月:1983.11
联系电话:(+86) 15882382036 邮 箱:ydxia@swjtu.edu.cn
1.2010/9–2014/7, 电子科技大学, 微电子学与固体电子学, 博士,导师:李言荣
2.2008/9–2010/7, 电子科技大学, 电子信息材料与元器件, 硕士,导师:陶伯万
3.2002/9–2006/7, 东北林业大学, 数学与应用数学, 学士,
1. 2019/12 - 现在, 西南交通大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 副教授
2. 2018/10 - 2019/10,The University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 访问学者,合作导师:Chonglin Chen(陈充林)
3. 2015/7 - 2019/12,西南交通大学,物理科学与技术学院,讲师
4. 2014/10 - 2018/5,西南交通大学,电气工程学院,博士后,导师:赵勇
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于溅射法快速沉积YBCO带材超导层研究,2018/1-2020/12,25万元,已结题,主持
2. 国家级平台开放基金项目,溅射法制备仿蝶翅功能材料及其表面拉曼增强效应研究,2015/11-2018/11,8万元,已结题,主持
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,纳米异质结光催化剂的制备及光催化性能研究,2017/01-2019/12,10万元,已结题,主持
4. 横向课题项目,高温超导薄膜材料的测试,2016/1-2017/6,4万元,已结题,主持
5. 横向课题项目,晶体材料表面金属镀膜,2017/5-2017/10,4.5万元,已结题,主持
6. 横向课题项目,晶体材料表面纯铁膜制备,2017/11-2018/5,5万元,已结题,主持
7. 横向课题项目,Ti阵列外协加工,2018/6-2018/9,2.5万元,已结题,主持
8. 横向课题项目,晶体材料表面纯铁膜制备,2018/6-2018/12,4.8万元,已结题,主持
1. 四川省科技厅项目,异质纳米结构等离子体光催化及其二氧化碳-燃料转换中的应用,2017/3-2019/3,20万元,已结题,参加
2. 总装备部“十二五”预研项目,**高温超导带材研究 (保密项目), 2011/12月-2014/6,300万元,已结题,参加
3. 863计划课题,MOCVD制备YBCO涂层导体技术研究, 2009/5-2011/12,94万元,已结题,参加
4. 863计划课题,双面YBCO涂层导体中的过渡层连续制备技术研究,2007/12-2010/11,100万元,已结题,参加
1. 夏钰东; 陶伯万; 赵睿鹏; 高温超导带材金属溅射靶材保护装置及基片薄膜制作方法, 2020-3-6, 中国, 202010153656.2.
2. 张湉;夏钰东;付玉聪;王红艳;张勇;赵勇,一种磁控溅射制备ZnFe2O4/Fe2O3三维异质结纳米材料的方法,2019-03-07,中国,ZL201910170533.7
3. 张湉;夏钰东;王红艳;张勇;赵勇,基于磁控溅射法制备树枝状非晶MoS2纳米结构的方法,2018-12-14,中国,ZL201811531214.6.
4. 曾祥涛;夏钰东;王红艳;朱浩;孙柏;倪宇翔,一种W掺杂Bi2O3纳米结构的制备方法,2018-08-24,中国,201810974360.X
5. 夏钰东; 赵勇; 张欣; 张勇, 一种钛酸锂-二氧化钛复合材料制备方法, 2016-06-01, 中国, CN201610027691.3.
6. 熊杰; 薛炎; 张盼; 夏钰东; 陶伯万; 李言荣, 一种涂层导体用双面MgO缓冲层的制备方法, 2014-09-03, 中国, CN201410243268.8.
7. 熊杰; 黎朝仁; 夏钰东; 薛炎; 赵晓辉; 陶伯万; 李言荣, 超导带材用双面LaMnO3缓冲层的制备方法, 2014-04-02, 中国, CN201310676482.8.
8. 熊杰; 薛炎; 张盼; 夏钰东; 陶伯万; 李言荣, 一种涂层导体用双面MgO缓冲层的制备方法, 2014-09-03, 中国, CN201410243268.8
9. 熊杰; 陶伯万; 夏钰东; 李言荣; 张飞; 赵晓辉, 高温超导双面带材及制备方法, 2012-10-24, 中国, CN201210200260.4.
10.李言荣; 陶伯万; 熊杰; 夏钰东; 张飞; 赵晓辉, 双面超导带材缓冲层的连续制备方法, 2011-11-23, 中国 CN201110091978.X.
1. Tian Zhang; Xia Yudong*; Hao Zhu; Ruipeng Zhao; Bai Sun; Hongyan Wang; Yong Zhang; Bowan Tao; Yong Zhao; Surface tuning of the photoelectrochemical properties of oblique angle co-sputtered ZnxFeyO films by Fe concentration, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(7): 8884 - 8890.
2. Tian Zhang; Jianwen Huang; Xia Yudong*; Ruipeng Zhao; Bai Sun; Jie Xiong; Bowan Tao; Hongyan Wang; Yong Zhao; High-efficiency electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution based on tree-like amorphous MoS2 nanostructures prepared by glancing angle deposition, Journal of Solid State Chemistry , 2020, 286: 121255.
3. Heng Li; Xin Zhang; Xia Yudong; Xifeng Pan, Jinfang Peng; Cuihua Cheng; Yong Zhao; Preparation of high-quality conductive la0.7sr0.3mno3 buffer layer applied to low-cost ybco-coated conductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2020, 33: 2165–2169.
4. Heng Li; Xin Zhang; Xia Yudong; Xifeng Pan, Jinfang Peng; Cuihua Cheng; Yong Zhao; Polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition of high-quality La2Zr2O7 buffer layer applied to low-cost YBCO-coated conductors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31: 5617–5621.
5. Xin Zhang; Xia Yudong; Xifeng Pan, Ming Liu; Cuihua Cheng; Yong Zhao; Eu0.6Sr0.4BiO3 buffer layer: A simple but practical route for improving flux pinning in YBa2Cu3O7-x films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 815: 152291.
1. Mao, Shuangsuo; Zhou, Guangdong; Sun, Bai; Elshekh, Hosameldeen; Zhang, Xiaohua; Xia Yudong*; Yang, Feng; Zhao, Yong; Mechanism analysis of switching direction transformation in an Er2O3 based RRAM device, Current Applied Physics, 2019, 19(12): 1421-1426.
2. Zhang, Tian; Zeng, Xiangtao; Xia Yudong*; Zhang, Huan; Sun, Bai; Wang, Hongyan; Zhao, Yong; Morphology evolution and photocatalytic applications of W-doped Bi2O3 films prepared using unique oblique angle co-sputtering technology, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17): 21968-21974.
3. Yang Xue; Wang Wentao; Liu Lian; Huo Baolei; Wang Mingjiang; Yang Gangsong; Tian Zhijian; Xia Yudong; Zhao Yong; Rapid pyrolysis of yba2cu3o7-δ films by fluorine-free polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition approach, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2019, 32: 3747–3753.
4. Mao Shuangsuo; Elshekh Hosameldeen; Kadhim Mayameen S; Xia Yudong; Fu Guoqiang; Hou Wentao; Zhao Yong; Sun Bai; An excellent resistive switching memory behaviour based on assembled MoSe2 nanosphere arrays, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 279: UNSP 120975.
5. Li Xiaoxia; Sun Bai; Hou Wentao; Chen Jiao; Zheng Pingping; Mao Shuangsuo; Zhu Shouhui; Xia Yudong; Fu Guoqiang; Environmental factors controlled resistive switching memory behavior based on BiFeO3/Cu2ZnSnSe4 heterojunction, Results in Physics, 2019, 13: 102308.
6. Wang Mingjiang; Wang Wentao; Liu Lian; Xia Yudong; Huo Baolei; Yang Xue; Yang Gansong; Zhao Yong; The Optimization of Oxygen Partial Pressure for Preparing a Superconducting Joint Between YGdBCO-Coated Conductors, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(5).
7. Shu Lin; Jiang Tao; Xia Yudong; Wang Xuemin; Yan Dawei; Wu Weidong; The Investigation of a SAW Oxygen Gas Sensor Operated at Room Temperature, Based on Nanostructured ZnxFeyO Films, Sensors, 2019, 19(13): 3025.
8. Sun Bai; Chen Yuanzheng; Li Tao; Zhao Hongbin; Zhou Guangdong; Xia Yudong; Wang Hongyan; Zhao Yong; Nanorod Array of SnO2 Quantum Dot Interspersed Multiphase TiO2 Heterojunctions with Highly Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Self-Rechargeable Battery-Like Applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(2): 2071-2081.
1. Xia Yudong*; Sun Bai; Zhu Shouhui; et al. Binder and conductive additive-free NiO nanorod electrodes prepared by the sputtering method for Li-ion battery anodes with an ultra-long life cycle, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 269: 132-137.
2. Zhao, Ruipeng; Ma, Yinchang; Liu, Qing; Zhang, Fei; Xia Yudong; Tang, Hao; Lu, Yuming; Cai, Chuanbing; Tao, Bowan; Li, Yanrong; MOCVD-derived GdYBCO tapes with smooth surface and low R-s based on a new self-heating technology, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(11): 12125-12131.
3. Zhao Ruipeng; Liu Qing; Xia Yudong; et al. The Improvement of Utilization Ratio of Metal Organic Sources for the Low Cost Preparation of MOCVD-synthesized YBCO Films based on a Self-heating Technology//5th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE). Xiamen. 2018:012005.
4. Zhao, Ruipeng; Zhang, Fei; Liu, Qing; Xia Yudong; Lu, Yuming; Cai, Chuanbing; Tao, Bowan; Li, Yanrong; Preparation of SmBCO layer for the surface optimization of GdYBCO film by MOCVD process based on a simple self-heating technology, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2018, 550: 14-18.
5. Zhao Ruipeng; Liu Qing; Xia Yudong; Tang Hong; Lu Yuming; Cai Chuanbing; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; High utilization ratio of metal organic sources for MOCVD-derived GdYBCO films based on a narrow channel reaction chamber, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2018, 31(1): 015022.
6. Sun Bai; Zhu Shouhui; Mao Shuangsuo; Zheng Pingping; Xia Yudong; Yang Feng; Lei Ming; Zhao Yong; From dead leaves to sustainable organic resistive switching memory, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 513: 774-778.
7. Zheng Pingping; Zhang Xuejiao; Sun Bai; Mao Shuangsuo; Zhu Shouhui; Xia Yudong; Zhao Yong; Yu Zhou; A persistently increasing resistance ratio and repeatable non-volatile memory in AZO/CZTSe/FTO resistive switching devices, Functional Materials Letters, 2018, 11(2): 1850023.
8. Mao Shuangsuo; Zhang Xuejiao; Sun Bai; Li Bing; Zhu Shouhui; Zheng Pingping; Zheng Liang; Xia Yudong*; Multi-stage switching phenomenon in ultra-thin Ag films embedded into SrCoO3 multilayer films constructed resistive switching memory devices, Functional Materials Letters, 2018, 11(2): 1850038.
9. Zhao, Ruipeng; Liu, Qing; Zhang, Fei; Xia Yudong; Tang, Hao; Lu, Yuming; Cai, Chuanbing; Tao, Bowan; Li, Yanrong; High Rate Growth of MOCVD-Derived GdYBCO Films Based on a Simple Self-Heating Method, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47(12): 7062-7068.
10. Guo Tao; Zhang Xuejiao; Sun Bai; Mao Shuangsuo; Zhu Shouhui; Zheng Pingping; Xia Yudong; Yu Zhou; Effect of Electrode Materials on Nonvolatile Resistive Switching Memory Behaviors of Metal/In2S3/Mo/Glass Devices, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47(9): 5417-5421.
11. Sun Bai; Zhang Xuejiao; Zhou Guangdong; Yu Tian; Mao Shuangsuo; Zhu Shouhui; Zhao Yong; Xia Yudong*; A flexible nonvolatile resistive switching memory device based on ZnO film fabricated on a foldable PET substrate, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 520: 19-24.
12. Zhu Shouhui; Zhang Xuejiao; Sun Bai; Mao Shuangsuo; Zheng Pingping; Zhao Yong; Xia Yudong*; Origin of a continuously enlarge memristor effect in Nb inserted into MgB2 multilayer constructed heterojunctions, Vacuum, 2018, 151: 261-265.
1. Xia Yudong*; Sun, Bai; Wang, Hongyan; Zhou, Guangdong; Kan, Xiang; Zhang, Yong; Zhao, Yong; Metal ion formed conductive filaments by redox process induced nonvolatile resistive switching memories in MoS2 film, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 426: 812-816.
2. Li Pingyuan; Sun Bai; Zhang Xin; Zhou Guangdong; Xia Yudong; Gan Liyong; Zhang Yong; Zhao Yong; Effect of temperature on the magnetism and memristive memory behavior of MoSe2 nanosheets, Materials Letters, 2017, 202: 12-15.
3. Zhao Ruipeng; Liu Qing; Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Lu Yuming; Cai Chuanbing; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong, Multi-Aperture Shower Design for the Improvement of the Transverse Uniformity of MOCVD-Derived GdYBCO Films, Materials, 2017, 10(9): 1088.
4. Xia Yudong*; Sun, Bai; Wei, Yun; Tao, Bowan; Zhao, Yong; Simple sol-gel method synthesis of 3-dimension Li4Ti5O12-TiO2 nanostructures using butterfly wings as biotemplates for high rate performance lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 705: 58-63.
5. Sun Bai; Zhang Xin; Zhou Guangdong; Li Pingyuan; Zhang Yong; Wang Hongyan; Xia Yudong; Zhao Yong; An organic nonvolatile resistive switching memory device fabricated with natural pectin from fruit peel, Organic Electronics, 2017, 42: 181-186.
6. Xin Zhang; Zhiwei Wen; Bai Sun; Jinfang Peng; C.H. Cheng; Yong Zhang; Xia Yudong; Chuan Ke; Yong Zhao; Preparation of Sm1−xCaxBiO3 buffer layers for coated conductor by polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695: 3360-3363.
7. Sun Bai; Zhang Xin; Zhou Guangdong; Zhang Chunming; Li Pingyuan; Xia Yudong; Zhao Yong; Effect of Cu ions assisted conductive filament on resistive switching memory behaviors in ZnFe2O4-based devices, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 694: 464-470.
8. Zhao Ruipeng; Zhang Fei; Liu Qing; Xia Yudong; Lu Yuming; Cai Chuanbing; Xiong Jie; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; MOCVD-derived multilayer Gd0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu3O7-delta films based on a novel heating method, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2017, 30(2): 025023.
9. Xin Zhang; Xia Yudong; Chuan Ke; Cheng Cuihua; Yong Zhang; Yong Zhao; Preparation of Gd2Zr2O7 buffer layers for coated conductor by polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition, Materials Letters, 2016, 178: 132-134.
1. Zhao Ruipeng; Zhang Fei; Liu Qing; Xia Yudong; Lu, Yuming; Cai Chuanbing; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; The preparation of high-J(C) Gd0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu3O7-delta thin films by the MOCVD process, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2016, 29(6): 065015.
2. Xia Yudong; Bowan Tao; Jie Xiong; Xin Zhang; Yong Zhao; Growth mechanism evolvement influence on out-of-plane texture of Y2O3 seed layer for coated conductors, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2016, 438: 5-10.
3. 熊杰; 夏钰东, 第二代高温超导涂层导体研究, 北京, 科学出版社, 280千字, 2015.
4. Xin Zhang; Yong Zhao; Xia Yudong; Chunsheng Guo; C.H. Cheng; Yong Zhang; Han Zhang; Growth of thick La2Zr2O7 buffer layers for coated conductors by polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2015, 513: 18-23.
5. Yang Chao; Xia Yudong; Xue Yan; Zhang Fei; Tao Bowan; Xiong Jie; The effects of grain boundaries on the current transport properties in YBCO-coated conductors. Nanoscale research letters, 2015,10 (1): 1-8.
6. Liu, F. G.; Lian, X. K.; Hou, J.; Xia, Y. D.; Liu, W.; Barrier enhancement behavior in an Au/BiFeO3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta/SrTiO3 heterostructure with the magnetic field effect, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619: 505-508.
7. Pei Guo; Jie Xiong; Yuanqing Chen; Xiaohui Zhao; Xia Yudong; Yaxin Xu; Xingzhao Liu; Bowan Tao; Strong pinning in YBa2Cu3O7−δ films with SDP-derived amorphous Y2O3 layers, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2014, 507: 31-34.
8. Zhang, X.; Zhao, Y.; Xia, Y. D.; Cheng, C. H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H., Preparation of Thick BaZrO3 Epitaxial Film for Coated Conductors by Polymer-Assisted Chemical Solution Deposition Method, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27(8): 1879-1884.
9. Ji, Yanda; Zhang, Yin; Gao, Min; Yuan, Zhen; Xia Yudong; Jin, Changqing; Tao, Bowan; Chen, Chonglin; Jia, Quanxi; Lin, Yuan; Role of microstructures on the M1-M2 phase transition in epitaxial VO2 thin films, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 4854.
10. Zhang, X.; Zhao, Y.; Xia, Y. D.; Cheng, C. H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H., Preparation of the YBCO/SmBiO3/NiO/Ni-W New Structure for Coated Conductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27(5): 1119-1122.
11. Xiong Jie; Zhang Fei; Xia Yudong; Liu Xin; Zhao RuiPeng; Zhao XiaoHui; Tao BoWan; MOCVD derived double-sided YBa2Cu3O7-delta films on Y2O3/YSZ/CeO2 buffered textured metal substrates, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(4): 720-724.
12. Xia Yudong; Xiong, Jie; Zhang, Xin; Hu, Kai; Zhang, Fei; Xue, Yan; Chu, Junwei; Zhao, Xiaohui; Tao, Bowan; Li, Yanrong; Preparation and Characterization of TiN Seed Layer in All-Conductive Multilayer Structure for Coated Conductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27(3): 871-875.
13. Zhang Fei; Xiong Jie; Yang Ke; Xia Yudong; Xue Yan; Zhao Xiaohui; Tao Bowan; Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of RF-Sputtered LaMnO3 Cap Layers on Homo-Epi MgO/IBAD-MgO Templates, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27(2): 543-546.
14. Xiong, Jie; Xia Yudong; Xue, Yan; Zhang Fei; Guo Pei; Zhao, Xiaohui; Tao, Bowan; Development of mid-frequency AC reactive magnetron sputtering for fast deposition of Y2O3 buffer layers, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2014, 497: 38-42.
15. Xia Yudong; Xiong, Jie; Zhang, Fei; Xue, Yan; Hu, Kai; Zhao, Xiao Hui; Tao, Bo Wan; Characterisation of YSZ layers deposited on Y2O3 buffered textured tapes for coated conductors, 12th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, IUMRS-ICAM 2013, China, 2013-09-22 to 2013-09-28.
16. Xiong, Jie; Xue, Yan; Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Zhang Yu-Xi; Li Li-Hua; Zhao Xiao-Hui; Tao Bo-Wan; Fabrication of long-length ion beam-assisted deposited MgO templates for YBCO-coated conductors, Rare Metals, 2013, 32(6): 574-578.
17. Xiong Jie; Wang Xibin; Guo Pei; Xia Yudong; Zhao Xiaohui; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; Tailoring the crystallographic orientation of MOD-derived La2Zr2O7 buffer layers for coated conductors, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2013, 492: 103-106.
18. Xiong Jie; Wang Xibin; Guo Pei; Zhang Fei; Xia Yudong; Zhu Cong; Xu Pengju; Zhao Xiaohui; Tao Bowan; Microstructure modification of La2Zr2O7 buffer films for coated conductors by metal organic decomposition, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2013, 24(5): 1546-1550.
19. Xu Ya-Xin; Xiong Jie; Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Xue Yan; Tao Bo-Wan; Effect of Substrate Temperature and Dislocation Density on the Epitaxial Growth of YBCO Thin Films on Textured Metal Tapes, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2013, 28(5): 491-496.
20. Xia Yudong; Xiong, Jie; Zhang, Fei; Xue, Yan; Guo, Pei; Xu, Pengju; Zhao, Xiaohui; Tao, Bowan; A Novel All-Conductive Architecture on Biaxially Textured Metal Substrates for YBCO Coated Conductors, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2013, 26(3): 495-498.
21. Xiong Jie; Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Xue Yan; Hu Kai; Zhao Xiaohui; Tao Bowan; The Influence of Surface Morphology of Buffer Layer on the Critical Current Density in YBCO Coated Conductors, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2013, 2013: 673948.
22. Xia Yudong; Xiong, Jie; Zhang, Fei; Xue, Yan; Wang, Lili; Guo, Pei; Xu, Pengju; Zhao, Xiaohui; Tao, Bowan; Morphology evolvement of CeO2 cap layer for coated conductors, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 263: 508-512.
23. Xia Yudong; Xiong, Jie; Zhang, Fei; Zhang, Junfei; Wang, Lili; Xue, Yan; Xu, Yaxin; Guo, Pei; Zhao, Xiaohui; Tao, Bowan; Li, Yanrong; Reel-to-reel deposition of epitaxial double-sided Y2O3 buffer layers for coated conductors, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2012, 476: 48-53.
24. Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Zhang Ning; Zhang Junfei; Chai Gang; Guo Pei; Jing Tongguo; Xiong Jie; Zhao Xiaohui; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; Continuous Deposition of Double-sided Y2O3/YSZ/CeO2 Buffer Layers for Coated Conductors, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40: 311-314.
25. Zhao Xiaohui; Gao Chang; Xia Yudong; Zhang Fei; Tao Bowan; Preparation of YBCO Coated Conductors on RABiTS Substrate with Advanced TFA-MOD Method, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40: 342-345.
26. Guo Pei; Zhao Xiaohui; Xiong Jie; Xia Yudong; Jing Tongguo; Chen Jue; Zhang Ning; Zhang Fei; Tao Bowan; Li Yanrong; Metal Organic Deposition of Lanthanum Zirconate Buffer Layer on Biaxially Textured Ni-5%W Substrate, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40: 306-310.
27. Tao Bowan; Zhang Ning; Zhang Fei; Xia Yudong; Feng Xiao; Xue Yan; Zhao Xiaohui; Xiong Jie; Li Yanrong; Thickness Effect on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Sputtered YBCO Coated Conductors, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2011, 21(3): 2945-2948.